Saturday, November 19, 2011

Tarot Cards?

Has anyone ever gotten an accurate reading from tarot cards? If so, what was it? Do you believe the tarot cards helped?

Tarot Cards?
Tarot is very vague, like horoscopes. If they work at all, it is by harnessing the subconscious. I used to use them a lot. I found myself trying again when I didn't get what I wanted to hear. For myself, I tend to use such things when I'm in the midst of an anxiety attack, looking for quick reassurance. They might be good for forcing you to contemplate your own situation - like having a friend with a different point of view - but I don't think there's anything supernatural to them.
Reply:Hmmmm..I see doughnutz.
Reply:kind of, did you try its free. and if anyone does not believe in them for religious reasons then answer my other question about casting lots!;...
Reply:I had a reading that I would have something good happen in the near future, and it was true! I would get some donuts later. I need to get another reading to see if I get more donuts.
Reply:even if you don't believe tarot cards have any relation to any metaphysical powers, they can still be useful, since they often help you to think in new directions that might not have occurred to you before.

I wouldn't bother going to anyone else to read them for you. You'll get more out of it to read them yourself. I like psycards alot. They're easier to read than tarot, Tarot is wonderful, but it's complex and it takes awhile to learn. Psycards you can use and read immediately.
Reply:Yes I have 2 decks and they do help

Love %26amp; Blessings

Reply:I once played poker with a pack of tarot cards.

I got a full house...5 ppl died.
Reply:I dont think they helped tarot readers play it smart they tell you the things that most of us go through in our daily lives, if you dont look happy, and your appearance is not fashionable or looks pricey they say something to you like "your not happy with your job but I see in my cards that your financial problems will soon get better.
Reply:I read Tarot cards and generally they are pretty accurate. I will not read for others tho. They have helped me deal with a number of things in my life, including the numerous surgeries I have had to have, the loss of my mother when she was only 46. They told me about the man I would marry a couple years before I met him (we have been together 28 years). They told me about the hurricane Katrina several months before it hit Texas so I wa prepared.

So yeah, I guess you could say they have helped.
Reply:Last November the person reading for me told me I would have problems involving my legs and feet in the coming months. Two days later, I broke my ankle in three places, just got off crutches three weeks ago, and am still limping around. So yes, it can at least predict negative things correctly in my opinion. Of course this doesn't count all the people who were told the same thing, had nothing happen, and forgot about it and don't talk about it.
Reply:My readings have only ever been accurate in a vague way, like horoscopes. I just don't respond well to them. But I think they can be good for other people, and I do believe in psychic phenomena and divination.

PS, to Thumbelina--How do Bibles get put in the hands of readers like you? I bet manufacturing is involved...
Reply:Not from tarot cards, but from a palm reader. She mostly told me things about myself that I already knew at that time.
Reply:Don't listen to Kerilyn Knows, she's delusional
Reply:PLEASE don't put your life in the reading of a few man made cards. You want hope and grace, find it in something that's real.

Johyn 3:16 For god so loved YOU, that he gave his son (His everything), that you might have life.

Come on cards? Eat Steak, not paper.
Reply:No, and it is divination,evil.don't mess with that stuff.
Reply:These cards will only bring you misery....

If you have some, throw them away, now.
Reply:No, and even if someone would get a valid reading it is going to be from an unholy being. Nothing like is a God sent message. Don't mess with what you do no know. Trust in God, not manufactured cards.

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