Monday, May 11, 2009

What is the best way of getting rid of tarot cards?

my mum plays tarot and i'm curious on how to get rid of it, hope you can help me.

What is the best way of getting rid of tarot cards?
burn them.
Reply:Ooh why would you want to get rid of 'em? I think they're cool. I'm not sure I believe in them or anything or that they work, but it's just fun to try and predict your future. And even if they end up not being real, at least you had fun =D.
Reply:Step 1: find the trash can.

Step 2: put them in.
Reply:I don't think its up to you to take it upon yourself to get rid of your moms stuff. When you are adult, just don't have tarot cards in your place, or anything else you don't want.
Reply:Burn them. They are evil! If you want to read the real truth, Read the Bible. God"s word is pure, and true.
Reply:Leave her be. It isn't like she's comunicating with Satan.
Reply:Eh how would you like it if your mum starting throwing out your personal belongings? Shes hardly sacrificing babies to the devil now, is she?
Reply:first tarot cards are not for playing with...

second leave your moms stuff alone, if it violates your religious morals then leave the house....
Reply:Sell them on Ebay. If you're going to get rid of them, at least try to make a buck off of them.
Reply:"The name of the Lord Jesus went on being magnified. And many of those who had become believers would come and confess and report their practices openly. Indeed, quite a number of those who practiced magical arts brought their books together and burned them up before everybody. And they calculated together the prices of them and found them worth fifty thousand pieces of silver." -- Acts 19:17-19

Dabbling in the Occult---What's the Harm?
Reply:Firstly, your mother has to be the one to get rid of them, evil as they are. If you get rid of them then she will be angry with you and will buy more.

IF she wants to get rid of them, then she should burn them, and then needs to pray for release from any evil associated with them.

I would advise that you pray about this, and let your mother know that you are very uncomfortable about her reading tarot cards. I used to have a deck myself, and although I didn't realise it until later, they were a very oppressive influence in my life.

Blessings, Gypsy Queen
Reply:Ok, you throw them away.... now, when your mom sees they're gone, what do you think she's going to do? Buy more. Maybe you should talk to your mom? Do you know what Tarot is?
Reply:put them in to an envelope with $2000 cash and send them to me. I will put them in my tarot card disintegrator and that will save you
Reply:Wait.. the cards belong to someone else, namely your mother, and you're going to get rid of them? Is she giving you permission to do this?

If not, then...If someone threw away something that belonged to you without your permission, how would you feel?

If she wants to get rid of them, she simply has to throw them out. They are a tool, not a live entity.
Reply:they aren't yours... leave them alone you twit.
Reply:Um, if it's not her idea to get rid of them, DON'T touch your mom's things! How would you like it if she wanted to "get rid of" something of yours without permission? You are being extremely inconsiderate and rude.
Reply:Why don't you eat them?

... Or shove them up your ar5e?

Either way, I hope you gratuitous paper-cuts and die of blood-loss.

If your mother uses tarot cards then that is HER business and not yours. You have no right to stop her from using them, so I recommend you don't bother...
Reply:Unless she has asked you to get rid of them (specifically), don't touch them, they're not yours.

Basic respect of another person's property, and all.
Reply:Burn them up. Satan and the demons gain direct access to people through such stuff.
Reply:Burn them..Any articles, books ect used for witch craft should be burned..
Reply:Accidentally drop ketchup on them and glue. She won't touch them again...
Reply:I'm more than willing to bet there is a trash bin in your house somewhere.

That ol' thing will do the trick.
Reply:Throwing them in the bin should work fine.

White Teeth

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