Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Have you ever made tarot cards?

how did you come out with the pics for them? did you make them out of construction paper, cardboard? what did each card mean to you, and why? thanks.

Have you ever made tarot cards?
In Llewelyn's 2008 Tarot Reader (at most Barnes and Nobles), there's an article on how to do this.

As the other folks said, you can make your deck out of any pictures you like or that resonate with you. Just cut and paste onto some cardstock.

If you want to get fancy, get some lamination packets for pictures and put one card in each packet and fold. You can get these at Wal-Mart.

You might just start with the Major Arcana. That's 22, instead of the usually 78. Now take out one card, say the Magician, and see which of your pictures/cut-outs make sense with what the Magician picture means to you.

If you are computer savvy, a fun, and very quick way to do this type of thing, is to use clip art and post card paper. Post card paper has 4 cards per page. Most of the postcard packages (like Avery) have a template you can put into your Word Processor. Just fill in the blanks with the clip art, and print. Gives you 4 Tarot Cards per page.

If you are an artist, use the Major Arcana, and create your own version of each picture.

If you are a photographer, you can use the Major Arcana as a guide, and setup photo shoots for each picture, complete with props, clothing, friends, and pets.

And if you are really good at the last two methods, consider marketing or web-marketing your products. People are always interested in new Tarot decks.

Years ago, I made a symbol deck out of square pieces. I just used typical symbols (squares, triangles, Astrological signs, etc), but made them so if you pushed them together, they fit and made a bigger picture. I made up a list of meanings for each card and entered a psychic fair and did readings. I was booked all day! Why? Because no one had ever heard of symbol readings and wanted to try out the "new guy" with the "new cards." I even made specialized cards/symbols for folks, put them in little frames, and sold them at a flea market a few months later.

Have fun with this.
Reply:No just used my ex girlfriends.
Reply:tarot cards a form of witch craft.so i dont have any thing to do with them preacher carney
Reply:I dont know tarot cards for me no
Reply:I made all sorts of cards for my art class in high school.

For my tarot cards, I looked up the suits and did a lot of research into what each suit represented, and then picked a picture that had personal meaning to me. I made both the major and minor arcana (77 cards total).

I painted them with acrylic onto cardstock, and then bordered it with matte board and laminated it.

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