Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What is difference between tarot cards and rune cards?

A typical or standard deck of Tarot contains 78 cards. Runes which are an ancient Germanic alphabet have 24 letters or Runes. Both can be used as a tools of divination. There are Tarot Decks that apply a rune to a card such as the Haindl and Quest.

Rune cards would follow the language, history, myth, and lore of Runes. They originated from a alphabet.

Tarot follows the language, history, myth and lore of Tarot. They originated in a card game.

Both can be used for divination, self discovery, or spirit connection.

What is difference between tarot cards and rune cards?
They are different forms of divination tool and they exist largely because individual people have different preferances. Both have a long history, and often times people who favor the northern reconstructionalists favor the runes.

Personally, I never got along with them - it's just wrong for me. I stick with other forms of divination.

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