Saturday, May 22, 2010

I had my tarot cards read!!!?

Who believes in this? I was amazed by what he said! Can anyone tell me anything about tarot cards and any true things that may of happened to you that the tarot cards told you!

I had my tarot cards read!!!?
ah hun, i had my cards done last year because i suspected my partner was cheating on me, i was told a date and that i would get a phone call on this date and everything would come clear,

you can imagine how shocked i was when the phone call came, on the right date, from my partner who told me he was leaving me for our babysitter, ouch, yes that stung a bit.

the cards also told me i would be visiting america shortly after i found out and amazingly, someone bought me a five day break in new york for christmas.


so yes i believe, more now than ever. xxxxx
Reply:I read the cards and I have been told that things came true, but I have never had a reading for myself. I guess I would rather have the surprise than to know what was going to happen. Congrats on finding a true reader and not a scam artist.
Reply:Yes. The reader shuffles them, separates them into piles then makes up a series of what are known as 'Barnum Statements' These are phrases and comments designed to sound as if they apply uniquely to an individual yet are really generic in nature. The reader may also employ what are known as 'Hot' and 'Cold' reading techniques. Hot is where they use information they already have in advance, Cold is where they throw questions at you, but do so in subtle way that leaves you unaware that you have actually been providing information that is then fed back to you.

This combination of techniques can be very impressive. In all modesty, I have to say I'm quite good at it. I've done Tarot reading for people who have sworn I have a gift. Of course, I always 'fess up afterwards. but if I were dishonest, I dare say I could make a fair living out of it.

For more info, see the links below.
Reply:not me
Reply:I read tarot cards for free, too.(usually over the internet) I feel that my ability to do so is a gift and, at this point in my life, to charge would defeat the purpose of why I was given the gift in the first place-- to help people. If someone is truly in need of a reading I feel I have no right to turn them down because they can't afford it.

In my experience, the cards usually show the person what it is that they already know. Usually it is something that they have refused to acknowledge or didn't want to see on their own. Tarot cards have an uncanny knack for bringing what you need to hear and know into the forefront so that you can ignore it or stay in the dark any longer.

I have also had startling accuracy with the cards regarding peoples' current life situations (without being formerly told). And the cards always have advice to give about the situation. It always amazes me how all of the cards work together in a reading towards the same theme.

In regards to the person above who said that if you have a reading done you should shuffle the cards yourself:

Many readers don't like other people to touch their cards. The cards have the readers energy in them and others' energy could "corrupt" the energy.

Like I said, I do readings over the interenet with great results. Everytime I finish a reading I cleanse the cards and say something like this:

"To the Lord and Lady of Love,

Mother Earth and Father Sky

I ask that you cleanse and purify these cards

Of all past associations and energies (those of the previous person I read for)

So that whoever should require information or knowledge of them next

Hear not what they want but what they NEED to hear.

With the greatest good to all with harm to none,

So Mote it Be."

When I do this I have a piece of selenite on top of the deck. Selenite, metaphysically, is one of the only stones that has the property of absorbing and neutralizing all negative energy. I also have a piece of hematite, which grounds the energy that was in the cards, and a piece of quartz, which is an amplifying stone. In this way, the cards are cleansed of everything that had been previously put in them, both from myself and the person read for.

That way, when the next person I'm reading for (who is the next person who 'requires information or knowledge' from them) is talking to me before the reading begins I shuffle the cards, and in this way their energy is put into the cards so those that they need to see come up.

Usually I let them talk until 4 -5 cards either fall out of the deck or flip themselves within the deck. That way I know those are the cards I need to pull for them. (Anymore than 4 or 5 cards can take a LONG time to read for over the internet when most of it is cdone through a messenger program!)

My point is that you don't HAVE to be there in person to get an accurate reading! In fact, some studies have been done that suggest pretty conclusively that psychic abilities traverse both time and space which is exactly why you don't have to be physically present to have an accurate reading.

Blessings and Light

Reply:They were thought to be originated in Egypt. The Renaissance Tarot is thought to be the most widely used today. Personally I prefer using oracles for self healing rather than fortunes, but they do work for those that use them.
Reply:It depends who does your cards! I had my cards done a few times. Two fortune tellers were absolutely brilliant, told me so many things they couldn't have known and really their predictions turned out to be true if i saw others who were not so good and told me stuff that didn't add up, didn't happen either. I guess some people are really good at it. Having said that both of those who gave me true readings (True because it all came true) were also mediums! So maybe it added up to what they saw in the cards?
Reply:Go to another one not with the same person and they will tell you something completly different, I did this once just to prove a point to a mate, and it worked i would of died at 30 had kids when i was 32 and had a big white house(now true only because i was given it) and lived abroad. I could go on they all said near enough the same thing but that was just general life they were talking about!

Just try it is actually quite funny listening to some who is a seriously bad actor tell you whats in store,

Life is what you make it!
Reply:I have a different take on Tarot cards - they are for stimulating thought, they are not meant to be predictions of the future (I can almost guarantee they will be inaccurate most of the time). Don't take them too seriously.
Reply:I read Tarot cards for people. I've stopped doing house calls, nowadays; those who need readings from me have come to me, because I'm not so spry as I used to be.

I ask for no money when doing a reading, and that usually serves to clear a lot of the air between me and my client. I do this for the clients, and I make sure that those who come for readings genuinely need them - hence, no more house calls, or stalls out at MBS fayres, for that reason.

As for the accuracy of the statements I make:-

- I told a young man that he would meet the woman who was to be the love of his life while he was on an extended journey abroad. I told him it would be for months, not weeks. He went to the States on an extended working visa, and guess what? The woman who was to be his fiancee was over there.

- I told another young man, a Portuguese student, that he would make his name back home when he was done with his course. I told him that the reason for this was his winning personality. He got a job back home, partly because the interviewer apparently "liked his smile", but also partly I suspect because I'd given him prescriptive information which helped him realise his future.

- One further thing; I informed a young woman and her daughter that there would be "car trouble" on the woman's journey home, a trip from the North of England to Weston - super - Mare. The woman got into a traffic accident involving a motorcycle flying off a trailer and onto her car that same evening. The woman and the daughter both survived intact, but their car was a wreck.

Some days I frighten myself with the accuracy of the readings the cards detail for me. No, they're not nonsense. There is a very real power in the cards, but the full extent and range of that power comes out only when they are used by a reader whose heart and soul are already filled with wisdom and experience.
Reply:It's rubbish! How can a pack of cards know anything - Doh

Proof? Try getting another reading or deal out the cards twice in succession - do you deal out exactly the same hand???

Reply:i strongly believe in tarot cards and can read them myself....i started about 2 years ago and it is truly amazing!!!!!!the number of things that i have predicted and have come true are truly extraordinary!!!!!after practicing reading the cards for a while i began getting more curious towards the cards themselves and how they work.......i read up on the cards and fouund out that tarot is actually the most practical form of astrology, each card denotes an experience which a person can have during their life-time whether it is joy, love, hate, jealously or is all there! the theory of the tarot is that our future is known only to us an our body.....hence when we pick the cards up, our body tells us the answers to our questions, the mind knows which card represents what even when it is face down! that is the power of the brain and the tarot. what i truly enjoy about is how it manages to be so flexible, the tarot will never say that this HAS to happen in your life it will point in the direction of where your life is going at present and what you can do to change it.
Reply:A lot of "fortune tellers" are just good at reading people ... they tell you what you want to hear, good or bad ... gypsy's got a bad name because of this ... its an art, like anything else ... and the one thing that is still being looked at, is how far a person will go on the statement of another, if the listener thinks that the person saying it knows more than them ... careful how you react to readings ... if you don't believe me ... next time you have a reading ... ask them to tell you about your past (this life), they will be off by a long long ways
Reply:I have been reading Tarot cards for quite a while, mostly for my friends and one of my professors who asks me to do such when I can for him. According to them, it is not my prediction of future events that is accurate, and I will agree with them on that. People can change their destinies, after all, and alter the future. But what they claim is extremely accurate in my readings is my ability to find out what is really bugging them.

I have a certain style wherein I don't ask the one requesting the reading to tell me their question unless they want to. For some odd reason, though, my cards always point out the real concerns of the questioner, and they do this almost without fail. It can get a little uncomfortable sometimes, especially when the questioner has asked an initial question and then, after I've laid down a few cards the cards tell me that there is some other, underlying concern that the person has on his or her mind.

This has happened even with people whom I am not all that familiar with, like my professor, for example. Although we share some form of friendship, I'm not so close to him that I have intimate knowledge of his personal life. However, whenever I read the cards for him, I turn up details about such intimate things as his family and love life - these being his primary concerns in life.

Recently I read the cards for him, and in his usual fashion he asked me to read for him without asking what was on his mind. When I read the cards, they told me about trouble in the immediate vicinity, involving a colleague or a friend, but not one that involved him directly. True enough, a huge, messy incident had indeed happened recently at the department, but I hadn't heard about it and was surprised to find out about it from him. Just as the cards said, they did indeed involve a colleague or a friend - as a matter of fact, the person in question was both his friend and a colleague of his at the department. The conflict concerned this friend and colleague of his, another part-time teacher at the department, and a cache of sensitive and important files that should not have been distributed on the Web. It caused such an uproar in the department that, even two weeks after it had all happened, nearly everyone was still walking on eggshells about it.

As I laid more cards down, something else came up: possession of an inheritance. When I asked him about it, he said that his grandfather had recently died, and that he had left quite a large sum of money behind. The lawyers were still dealing with it, but legally, a fairly large chunk of that money should be passed on to my professor.

There have been other incidents in the past, but I don't really keep track of them much. Still, I have read for a lot of people, more than a handful of them almost complete strangers to me (in that I don't know much about their life), and they all say that when I point out their problems and concerns, I'm fairly accurate about it.
Reply:don't believe any of it. it's all b0ll0cks
Reply:"Tarot readings" have the same qualities as horoscopes and any other so-called predictive readings; they contain details vague enough that they will often seem to come true regardless of what happens! You should read "Why People Believe Weird Things" by Micheal Shermer.

I ran the numerology on your screen-name, and I can tell you are a basically kind person of slightly above-average intelligence %26amp; intellect, but there are some things about you that you would very much like to change. You should read his book.
Reply:I read cards for people, often for nothing so I don't do it to make money. The cards never lie, but you must understand that the reading tells you about your life on the path you are on, things that will happen if you carry on the way you are, but that's all it's down to you if these things happen, your life is your own, don't let the cards rule it, I know some people that will not start their day until they have read their cards, this is silly.

Some will tell it's rubbish, but the truth is the cards never lie, and if someone is saying that then they either have never had the cards read, or had someone who was a con doing the reading.

I have foretold births, change of jobs, I have told people they will be moving, and that someone new coming in to their lives, and so far i have never been wrong, but watch out because some will change £35 or more for a reading, so shop around paying more does not mean a better reading.

Love %26amp; Peace
Reply:my name is brian bruce, i go by mournyngwolf and i have been doing readings for 17 years and i am a certified tarot master with the canadian tarot network. i originally got into tarot to find out the gimmick and found out they work on age age old psychological principles of archetypes. but they do work. they work well with someone who knows what they are and understands how to deal with people in general. there are 78 cards that for some reason fit exactly what is needed for archetypical understanding, so they can be right on and vague at the same time

go ahead and contact me from my picture here for any further questions ( i generally dont do readings online )
Reply:abut 10 years ago i was told I'll move my country a year later i moved to England and staid, at the time of the reading i was happy where i was and couldn't imagine moving anywhere.
Reply:The Tarot is sacred and magic. It should be respected as such.

It is the most ancient book of old passed religions. It contains the universal thoughts of human kind and all their religions pictured on classified cards that only few adepts know how to read with the ancient knowledge. Unfortunately it is used by novices for fun or for money and they do not know what they are dealing with. It can even be dangerous when used without knowing. Many cards named Tarots are just a schematic representation of the imagination of the drawer without any knowledge. It may be fun for them but not for others. The only genuine Tarot is called "Le Tarot de Marseille" (in French). It contains all the symbols of the most remote antiquity from where the word Tarot itself comes from and yet no one knows what the word means.
Reply:When it comes to Tarot or palm reading for that matter it depends on how well the reader knows what they are reading!! I had a guy read my palm and told me id be married by 25 ill be 25 this x-mas and never have been!! I still believe in it I just think he was off by a couple of years!
Reply:I knew you were going to ask that
Reply:Well, just for the record, if you're going to a tarot read, you should be the one to shuffle and deal out the cards and they just act as an interpreter.

Else they're reading their own fortune.
Reply:I don't believe in tarot cards. It is all phony.

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